Browse the internet faster with these keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts that help you in faster internet browsing
Being a PC or Mac user, you may be aware of many key board shortcuts to perform your tasks more quickly. But while using browsing it may be quite confusing to use key shortcuts. However, mostly browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari have their own key shortcuts that give you faster browsing experience. Here, we will let you know how to use keys combination while browsing on your computer.
Space and Shift+Space:
You may use this key shortcut to up and down the pages while reading lengthy texts. You may jump down by tapping the spacebar one page at a time and go back up by holding down Shift before tapping the spacebar.
Tab and Shift+Tab or Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab:
Sometimes it is really hard to find website hyperlinks. Instead of floating the mouse to make the cursor clickable, you may go from link to link in by tapping Tab. If you want to move in the opposite direction, press Shift+Tab. If you are using Mac, you need to add Alt in the key combination.
Ctrl+L OR Cmd+L:
This shortcut comes is very useful when you suddenly want to visit a new site. Tap Ctrl+L on Windows or Cmd+L on MacOS, doing this will highlight the current URL and allow you type a new address or search term without any mouse efforts.
If you want to move from link to link, you may tap “Enter” to follow the link that one is highlighted at the time. This keyboard shortcut also allows you to take action on anything that’s currently selected.
Ctrl+R OR Cmd+R:
If you are browsing any website and looking for any update, you may refresh the current tab of the specific website by hitting Ctrl+R on Windows or Cmd+R on MacOS.
Alt+Left arrow and Alt+Right arrow OR Cmd+Left arrow and Cmd+Right arrow:
When you have multiple links in same tab, the back and forward buttons allows you explore your browsing history. These shortcuts help you with the same. On Windows, hit Alt+Left arrow to go back and Alt+Right arrow to go forward. If you are using a Mac, you need to replace Alt with Cmd.
Ctrl OR Command + Move Mouse wheel upward or downward:
While browsing the internet, you may zoom out or in the page by pressing and holding Ctrl button with mouse wheel movement in upward and downward direction. If you are using Mac, replace the Ctrl with Command.
Ctrl+Shift+N OR command+Shift+N:
If you want to browse internet in private mode in chrome browser on your computer, tap Ctrl+Shift+N to open it in windows and tap Command+Shift+N on your Mac.
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