Google announced Google Duplex to make calls to book your appointments.


Google Duplex will soon be to make calls to book your appointments.

Recently, Google announced Google Duplex, a new technology for making natural conversations to schedule certain types of appointments over the phone . This system gives the conversational experience as natural as possible and allows people to speak normally without any interruption.


Few days ago, Google demonstrated how the Google assistant can call a hair salon to book an appointment with the person on the other end of the line. By a command from the user about when he wanted to make the appointment, the Assistant then called the salon, fix a date and time and notified the user afterwards. Moreover, the Assistant handled multiple complicated questions while booking a restaurant reservation without being tripped up and even asked for wait times.


The Google Duplex technology is designed to sound natural, to make the conversation experience comfortable. It is very useful for both, individuals and  businesses to have a good experience with this service.Google will be experimenting with the right approach over the coming months.


In a nutshell, the Google Duplex system is able to make advanced conversations and it completes the entire task fully autonomously, without human involvement. Google Duplex has a self-monitoring capability, which allows it to recognize the tasks which can not be completed autonomously such as scheduling an unusually complex appointment. In these cases, it signals to a human operator to complete the task.



Probably, this advanced feature will  be very helpful  for all Google Assistant users to manage and schedule their day to day activities.


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