How to change color of your macOS Dock

Everyone likes to give a personal touch to their computer by changing wallpaper, fonts and setting screensavers. If you are a Mac user and want to change the dock color to modify the look of your Mac desktop. You may get a colorful Dock on your Mac by disabling System Integrity Protection on your Mac. Here we will provide you some easy steps to change the Dock color on your Mac.
How to turn off System Integrity Protection on your Mac?
First of all, make sure that System Integrity Protection is disabled on your Mac and if it is not you may disable it by following the below given steps:
- First off all click the Apple menu on your Mac and then select “Restart.”
- Next, hold down “Command+R” to boot your system into the Recovery mode.
- As your system starts in recovery mode, click the “Utilities” menu and then select “Terminal.”
- Now, type csrutil disable in the Terminal windowand hit “Return.”
- Finally, close the Terminal app and restart your Mac to apply the changes you made.
How to change Dock color on your Mac?
After disabling the System Integrity Protection, you may change the dock color by following the below given steps:
- Launch Finder on your Mac, click Go menu > Go to Folder.
- Now enter the below given path and hit “Go.”
- Now, right click on “” and select “Show Package Contents.”
- Go to “Content folder” and open “Resources.”
- Now, you need to copy and paste the below-mentioned files on your desktop or folder.
- dockbackground.png
- dockbackground@2x.png
- dockbackgrounddark.png
- dockbackgrounddark@2x.png
- Now, you may use any of your favorite photo editing app to change the color of the copied files.
- Finally, reload the Dock using the below command in Terminal.
sudo killall Dock
This is how you may change the Dock colour on your Mac whenever you want.
Now read: How to add spaces and Apps in the Dock on your Mac
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