How To

How to format your USB drive on Mac

July 24, 2019| Reading Time: 4 minutes

Let’s learn how to format USB drive on your Mac Generally, Mac supports variety of external hard drives and USB drives. If are unable to format a USB drive that…

What to do if Finder stops responding on your Mac? The Finder is the default file manager and graphical user interface shell that available on all versions of macOS. Finder is responsible for the launching of other…

How To

How to disable startup sound on your Mac

February 25, 2019| Reading Time: 3 minutes

Whenever you startup your Mac, it starts with a loud chime. If you are fed up of listening this sound everytime, you may disable it. You may silently turn on…

How To

How to change color of your macOS Dock

February 20, 2019| Reading Time: 3 minutes

Everyone likes to give a personal touch to their computer by changing wallpaper, fonts and setting screensavers. If you are a Mac user and want to change the dock color…