How to remove the background of a picture in Microsoft Word 2016

How to remove the background of an image?
Most of the time, while creating a document, we want to remove the background from a picture to highlight it. By removing the picture’s background, you may display your image without any distraction. If you are making any assignment in Microsoft word and want to remove the background of a picture to focus only a person or specific object, Microsoft word has the default photo editor tool that helps you to do that. Here, we will provide you a step by step guide that helps you to remove the background of the image.
To remove the background of a picture in Microsoft Word, follow the below mentioned steps:
- In order to do that, make sure that you have already inserted a picture in your word document, if not then add it.
- Click the picture to get it selected.
- After selecting a picture, you can see an additional “Format” tab appear on the Ribbon. Switch to this tab and then click the “Remove Background” button in the left side.
- Word turns the image background in to magenta, while the foreground will retain its natural coloring, everything in magenta will get removed from the image.
- Many times, you get the result without doing any additional work but sometimes, you need to add or remove areas of the picture to remove the back ground.
- If required, under “Picture Tools” section, on the “Background Removal” tab, you need to follow one or both of the below given steps:
If parts of the image that you want to keep were removed, click “Mark Areas to Keep” and use the drawing pencil to mark the areas on the picture that you don’t want to remove.
If you want to remove more parts of the picture, click “Mark Areas to Remove” and use the drawing pencil to mark those areas.
- Once you are done with all changes, click “Keep Changes” or “Discard All Changes” in the “Close.”
By following the above steps, your changes affects only the picture shown in your presentation, document, workbook, or email message. The original image remains same. However, if you want to keep the edited image, right click on the image while selecting “keep changes” and then select “Save as picture” to save your edited picture.
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